How to Connect a Google Drive Album to Allow a Flow of Downloads from Your Campaign
Log into your admin account.
Select 'Account' tab and click on '3rd party integrations'.
On the following page click on 'Google Drive Albums'.
User must then select 'Grant Access' in order to log into the desired gmail account.

Sign into your Gmail account.

Once signed in with accepted permissions you will access your 'Fotozap' folder in the 'My Drive' section. That screen will look like the one you see below.

To select which campaign you would like to import into your google drive album just simply click ON/OFF on any of the desired campaigns on the admin site. Media will being to import immediately into your drive.

If Images are not flowing in, we can 'reconnect' accounts in our internal admin screens, upon your request. If that doesn't work, then you will need to log out and log back into the account, taking the following steps
Here are the steps to take (same steps for Google Drive or Dropbox);
- Sign out of of Google (or Dropbox accounts at If you have multiple Dropbox accounts, sign out of all of them)
- Disconnect your Google/Dropbox Account in -> 3rd Party Integrations
- Grant Access again (reconnect your Google/Dropbox account in
- When you "Grant Access" after disconnection, you should see a pop-up window that requests your permission to allow FotoZap to connect to your Google/Dropbox account and to place files in the FotoZap folder. You must accept this option (see screenshots above). In Dropbox, you can check if it worked by checking the "apps" folder and checking to see if the "FotoZap" folder has been created.
If you do not see that permission window, then log into a private (Incognito) window and try again.
If the permissions window still doesn't pop'll need to clear your caches and cookies for DropBox and repeat all of the above steps.
After you see that window, if the images are still not populating your folder, send us an email asking us to RESET your Dropbox folder for the campaign you need it for. We'll need the exact name of the campaign.