Switching your microsite to your own domain name
If you want to use a domain you already own, please follow these instructions.
If you want to set up the sharing website on a sub-domain of a domain that you already own, please do the following:
Point both of these to this Host Name:
For example, here are the instructions for adding CNAME records on:
GoDaddy (Click on adding or editing CNAME records)
Once that is done, you have to let us know so that we can add this to your microsite. This is included at no additional charge for Annual White Label subscribers but incurs an additional charge for monthly non-white label subscribers or monthly subscribers.
As an example, here are instructions for changing your Domain Name Servers on:
GoDaddy (click on Setting Custom Nameservers for a Domain Name Registered with Us)
1. Setting up the Photo Sharing Website on a *sub-domain* of your existing website.
If you want to set up the sharing website on a sub-domain of a domain that you already own, please do the following:
Create two CNAME records in the DNS of your domain. For example, if you wanted the sub-domain to be "gallery" you would add these two records as Aliases:
sites.fotozap.comThe TTL doesn't matter too much, you can use 600
For example, here are the instructions for adding CNAME records on:
GoDaddy (Click on adding or editing CNAME records)
Once that is done, you have to let us know so that we can add this to your microsite. This is included at no additional charge for Annual White Label subscribers but incurs an additional charge for monthly non-white label subscribers or monthly subscribers.
2. Setting up the Photo Sharing Website on a new *domain* that you already own
With a special arrangement, it is possible to set up your sharing website on the whole domain (so that it can be visited without any sub-domain in the address), you will need to edit the registry listing of that domain.
You will be adding nameservers to the registry listing of that domain that will be uniquely generated.
Once we know the name of the domain, we will send you a set of 4 unique nameservers for you to enter into the registry listing. This is also included at no charge for White Label Subscribers but incurs an additional nominal fee for other subscribers
You will be adding nameservers to the registry listing of that domain that will be uniquely generated.
Once we know the name of the domain, we will send you a set of 4 unique nameservers for you to enter into the registry listing. This is also included at no charge for White Label Subscribers but incurs an additional nominal fee for other subscribers
As an example, here are instructions for changing your Domain Name Servers on:
GoDaddy (click on Setting Custom Nameservers for a Domain Name Registered with Us)