Using Fotozap Booth

To get started log in using your email and password associated with your account.

Or you can log in with your promotion QR code. (QR codes are generated via the account admin site when creating a promotion)

Once logged in you will see your campaign list, your upload queue, network status, front and back facing camera options with camera types (for compatible iOS devices).

The first screen you will see is the attract screen. This is the screen that is shown
when the app is asleep or waiting for the next guest.

Note the first image above is an example of a custom M&Ms branded attract screen. The second image is an example of
a custom default screen this is a 2048 x 1536 (or 1536 x 2048) pixel PNG image.

Once the screen is touched, the user will get a message saying 'Get Ready'
and then count down to start the photo, video or GIF capture. For photos, a single
photo is taken. For GIFs the number of frames and amount of time between them
can be custom set. The default is 3 frames, 2 seconds apart from one another.
For video there is a stop button, but the maximum amount of capture time can be
adjusted as well.
Also note on this capture screen your custom overlay will show up as mirrored.
Don't worry! On the online version for sharing (and the review screen in this app)
the overlay will be unmirrored.

After capture the user will be prompted with a review and the option to RETAKE.

If KEEP is chosen, the user can then share via email or sms or click 'DONE'.
If DONE is clicked without sharing, the media will still upload to your campaign.

SMS Sharing

Email Sharing

And once shared and DONE is clicked, the app will go back to the attract screen
and be ready for the next guest. If the consumer walks away without hitting DONE,
the app will reset itself after 30 seconds of inactivity.
- You can put any graphics and/or text you please on the attract screen. Many brands use this screen as an age gate for those over 13, 18 or 21.
- The color scheme can be set to any HTML color value for both the background color and the text color.
- Sharing options include SMS, Email, Survey, QR Code scanning and Printing.
- You can change the language to Spanish, French or Portuguese. Simple change the language of the device under the iPad's Settings > General > Language & Region.
- To get back to the settings screen simply quit the app (by double clicking the home button on the iPad and swiping the app up) and relaunch it.
- To customize your version of the Fotozap Booth app please contact us. Customizations include the color of the background and text, the attract screen and the sharing options.
- You must be connected to WIFI or a cellular connection for your media to upload. You can check the status of your uploads in the settings screen under 'Media in upload queue'. If it's 0, then all of your media has been uploaded to your campaign. You can log in at to see the media and associated data.
- If your camera or microphone aren't working or you don't want to save your photos to the device, you can update these settings in the iPads Settings under Fotozap Booth.